Munitions India Limited, Oradnance Factory Chanda, bhadrawati Dist, CHANDRAPUR, MAHARASHTRA-442501
SCOPE: Thermal insulation of steam boiler MR no 13117 and MR no 15387 and ultrasonic thickness checking of boiler shell prior to insulation.
We gratefully acknowledge Munitions India Limited, Ordnance Factory Chanda, for the excellent work performed on the thermal insulation of steam boilers (MR No. 13117 and MR No. 15387) and the ultrasonic thickness checking of the boiler shell prior to insulation.
Your team’s professionalism and expertise in carrying out these services were instrumental in ensuring the success of this project. We appreciate your continued collaboration and look forward to working together on future projects.
Thank you once again for your outstanding support.
Contract No: GEMC-511687786295374, 17-Jan-2022