IOCL Panipat Refinery & Petrochemical Complex, P.O. Panipat Refinery, District Panipat-132140, Haryana, India
SCOPE: PAUT and TOFD of in-service Reactors or piping installed at Panipat Refinery.
Our heartfelt thanks go to IOCL Panipat Refinery & Petrochemical Complex, P.O. Panipat Refinery, District Panipat, Haryana, India, for providing us with the opportunity to conduct PAUT (Phased Array Ultrasonic Testing) and TOFD (Time of Flight Diffraction) inspections on the in-service reactors and piping installed at the Panipat Refinery.
Your trust in our expertise and commitment to safety and quality has been invaluable in ensuring the integrity of critical assets. We look forward to continuing our successful partnership in the future.
Thank you once again for this opportunity.
Work order No. 29589083 dated 20.01.2024; NOA No. : RPRC233206 Date: 21 Jan 2024; Contract No: GEMC-511687722727217 Contract Date: 02/02/2024.