IOCL Guwahati Refinery, Assam (9010 ,Guwahati Refinery GSTIN: 18AAACI1681G1ZO Guwahati Refinery 90100 INDIAN OIL CORPORATION LIMITED ECC NO. AAA-CI-1681G-XM024 P.O. Noonmati 781020 GUWAHATI)
SCOPE: Agency for various NDT jobs during Shutdown at Guwahati Refinery.
We would like to express our sincere gratitude to IOCL Guwahati Refinery for providing us the opportunity to work as a Work Agency for various NDT jobs during the Shutdown at your refinery.
We appreciate the trust and support extended to us for this critical project. It has been a privilege to contribute to the smooth operation and safety of your refinery. We look forward to continued collaboration with IOCL Guwahati Refinery in future projects.
Thank you once again for this opportunity.
Contract No: GEMC-511687743148205 Contract Date: 12/09/2023; Work Order No.: 29206606 Work Order Dt.: 12.09.2023.