We recently had the privilege of conducting a PAUT (Phased Array Ultrasonic Testing) demonstration on a critical offshore component, led by our Senior Advanced NDT Expert Mr. Rameez Farouk.
We recently had the privilege of conducting a PAUT (Phased Array Ultrasonic Testing) demonstration on a critical offshore component, led by our Senior Advanced NDT Expert Mr. Rameez Farouk.
We are fully equipped to collaborate with global companies to take care of clients critical asset integrity inspection requirement with complete scope includes procedure writing, reference setups, calibration, reference and validation blocks design and manufacturing, scan plan, equipment with special assessors. It was a true testament to our expertise and readiness to collaborate with global clients requiring critical integrity assessments.
This achievement not only showcased the advanced capabilities of PAUT technology but also reinforced our confidence in addressing the most complex challenges in the inspection of offshore and industrial assets.
A heartfelt thanks to our special NDT Team for making this opportunity possible!
We look forward to collaborating with partners worldwide and continuing to innovate in the field of integrity inspection.
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