Another Prestigious job contract for Insitu Dissimilar metal checking of TG Boiler area piping in StageII 2×195 MW at NTPS Kanti.This is a significant achievement for our company, as it demonstrates our commitment to delivering high-quality non-destructive testing services to our clients in the power sector. We are honored to have been selected for this project and are eager to begin working on it.
Another Prestigious job contract for Insitu Dissimilar metal checking of TG Boiler area piping in StageII 2×195 MW at NTPS Kanti.This is a significant achievement for our company, as it demonstrates our commitment to delivering high-quality non-destructive testing services to our clients in the power sector. We are honored to have been selected for this project and are eager to begin working on it. NTPC Kanti, Muzzafarpur, Bihar 843130 Purchase Order No.: 4000302798-049-1019 Date : 28.03.2023